Summer 2014

Another school year has drawn to a close. Is everyone is looking forward to the lazy days of summer? Well…perhaps lazy isn’t quite appropriate, as we all gear up for graduation parties, vacations, summer recreation teams, swim lessons, gardening, fishing, and marshmallow-toasting. Whatever your summer plans include, we have products and services at Bella Zenn that are sure to get your season launched in style. Let’s start with fun new shades, like Disco Inferno and Hijinks of Spa Ritual Polish for our Ritual Element pedicures and snazzy, lacey shorts extenders from Grace and Lace, to tuck beneath those Daisy Dukes, our Eco-Boutique is sure to have something for you or unique gift ideas for others. Check out our Facebook page, Bella Zenn Salon Spa & Eco-Boutique, we posted a pic of Carrie and Chelsea modeling our dress extenders…super cute and classy! We have a fresh selection of repurposed wine bottle oil lamps, locally crafted aprons in adult and youth styles, one-of-a-kind earrings, and our newest custom salve, Happy Heart: A skin-smoothing, soul-soothing salve with rose, jasmine, bergamot and other essential oils that promote lovely skin and a positive mood.

In our wellness class offerings, Terri presented, “The Alternative Medicine Chest”: Using Essential Oils to replace OTC drugs and other health and beauty products. This class was on June 2nd at 6 PM. We are considering future sessions earlier in the day, let us know what you think about that. In May, Terri presented “The 12 Oils of Ancient Scripture”, which focused on the historical background of essential oil use, and modern day uses for oils such as myrrh, hyssop, frankincense and cassia. Participants were able to smell the holy anointing oil and hear about the ancient camel caravan route that transported spices and oils from southern Arabia to the Holy Land. We plan to schedule this class again for those who weren’t able to attend.

We’ve mentioned this in the past, but it bears repeating. There is nothing like gardening to help relieve stress. We have a garden stepping stone that says, “An hour in the garden puts life’s problems in perspective.” It is hard not to feel the joy of childhood, when getting your fingers and toes all covered in mud. And it is impossible not to appreciate the existence of a higher power, when watching the seasonal display of blooming perennials. Modern science has even discovered the health benefits of *grounding or earthing. You can do your own research on the concept, but basically allowing your bare feet to wriggle in the dirt, or taking an afternoon rest stretched out on the lawn, can have positive impact on your health.

*“Grounding,” also called “Earthing” is the landmark discovery that Earth’s subtle surface energy field upholds the electrical stability of our bodies; thus serving as a foundation for vitality and health. In an age of rampant chronic disease due to the stresses of modern day lifestyle, reconnecting with the Earth’s energy beneath our feet provides a way back to better health. The profound effect of Grounding provides amazing healing, calming and balancing effects on the physical, mental and emotional bodies.

Our featured product this edition is NingXiaRed. This is a synergistic blend of fruit juice and essential oils that promotes optimal wellness. It is made with wolfberry puree, and the juices of blueberry, plum, cherry, pomegranate, and aronia, along with essential oils of grape, orange, lemon, tangerine and yuzu. It is sweetened with natural stevia. A single one ounce serving has only 15 calories and has the antioxidant power of 4 lbs of carrots, 3 cups of raspberries or 16 oz of orange juice. The anti-inflammatory properties of antioxidants are known to fight joint pain, strengthen muscles and bones, optimize cardiovascular health, support respiratory health, stabilize blood sugar, to name just a few of its health-promoting benefits. Stop in to purchase a 2- serving trial pouch or the 750 ml bottle.

Special: For every purchase of a bottle of essential oil, get your name in a drawing for a bottle of NingXia Red

Healthy Recipe: NingXia Red Sunrise Smoothie

2 C unsweetened ( coconut milk) 1 C frozen mixed berries 1 small apple( cored) 1 C ice cubes 1/2 cup NingXia red 1/2 cup plain yogurt 1/2 tsp vanilla 2-3 drops YL lemon essential oil 1 T YL Balance Complete( Or any whole food based protein powder)

Blend high speed for 30-45 seconds. Makes 5-6 cups

Thanks for reading! Enjoy the summer friends!